
The Browser view displays the document nodes in a 2D view.

By default when you create a Browser view, it displays the root of the scene graph. You can browse into or out of the node hierarchy. Some nodes contain node graphs, such as Material, Light, RenderPass (shading nodes) or RenderGraph (RenderGraph nodes).

Double-click into a node

  1. Enter into a node by double-clicking on it. If the node contains another node or a node network, the Browser view get updated with it.
Double-click out of a node (option 1)
  1. Exit out of a node or a node network by double-clicking on the background.
Double-click out of a node (option 2)
  1. Exit out of a node or a node network by clicking at the bottom-left of the Browser view on the desire position of the current hierarchy. This is useful if you want to go up faster of one or several levels at a time.


You can perform single, multiple, all, none and hierarchy selection of Browser nodes and using same selection modifiers as in a Viewport view.

Selected nodes will be display in the Browser with a brown color.


It's possible to show/hide scene graph nodes. Hiden nodes won't be visible anymore in the Viewport, faded in the Browser and their name color changed to grey in the Node List.

Show scene graph nodes
  1. Select one or more scene graph nodes.
  2. Show the selection by pressing H.
Hide scene graph nodes
  1. Select one or more scene graph nodes.
  2. Hide the selection by pressing Ctrl+H.


  1. Frame: Frame selection
  2. Arrange Graph: Automatic arrange the icons
  3. Flatten Hierarchy: Display the nodes in hierarchy or in flat mode
  4. Options: Display options and preferences nodes
  5. Primitives: Display primitives
  6. Materials: Display materials
  7. Lights: Display lights
  8. Cameras: Display cameras
  9. References: Display reference nodes
  10. Render Passes: Display render passe nodes
  11. Show Hidden: Show hidden nodes


Mouse controls in any graph or browser views are:

  • Alt+ to translate the view
  • Alt+ to zoom in/out the view


A Browser displays document nodes of the following types:

  • Preferences
  • SceneGraphNode
  • Primitive
  • Material
  • Light
  • SystemCamera
  • Camera
  • RenderPass
  • RenderLayer